Product Overview
VSI$SUPPORT is a useful command procedure that generates an HTML document with system management information about your OpenVMS system.
Latest Version
Alpha | Integrity | X-86 |
V2.18 | V2.18 | V2.18 |
VSI$SUPPORT.COM was written in DCL by VMS Software support for analyzing supported systems.
Use of the ZIP distribution is preferable on OpenVMS systems. However, if you cut and paste the text version VSI$SUPPORT.TXTCOM to an OpenVMS editor, please set the screen width to 132 columns before doing so:
The tool takes a snapshot of system information important to assist OpenVMS technical support and customers to diagnose reported problems or identify potential problems.
VSI technical support recommends you download the tool and move it to the SYS$MANAGER directory of all your OpenVMS servers. When elevating an issue to VMS Software, including the output of VSI$SUPPORT.COM on the afflicted system is highly recommended.
Other recommendations from VMS Software Support are:
- Submit VSI$SUPPORT at system startup and store the report in a known location. The reports are useful to compare system parameter settings, installed product versions and other system configuration changes that have occurred since the system boot.
- Prior to shutting down the system, submit or run VSI$SUPPORT and store the report in the known location. The reports provide an audit trail to compare and identify any differences between shutdown and reboot. For example, a system parameter change might not be written to the permanent database or recorded in the MODPARAMS.DAT file prior to system shutdown causing differences in behavior upon the reboot.
Useful files related to the product, such as tools or additional materials.
Get a license
Most non-Open Source products require a valid license to operate. If you need to get a license for a product or OpenVMS itself, please look at the page describing the possible options.
Migrate to x86
OpenVMS is now available for x86/64 architecture, offering a reliable and up-to-date option to run your software in the future.
We are ready to give you all the information needed to evaluate the migration project, move your solutions to x86, and start using them in a working environment.