Systems Management


Product Overview

VSI VMSSPI for VSI OpenVMS collects information on OpenVMS system events, sends alerts to email or Slack, and provides interfaces to popular enterprise monitoring and alerting services such as DataDog, Splunk, and Dynatrace. You can also install action scripts that are run automatically when a particular event occurs.

Latest Version

Alpha Integrity X-86
V9.0-25 V9.0-25 V9.0-25

Evaluate VMS SPI

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VMSSPI tracks the following information:

  • System
    • changes in the error count
    • OpenVMS cluster changes
    • process availability
    • disks
    • queue manager status
    • batch queue status
    • print queue status
    • batch jobs
    • shadow sets
    • system intruders
  • Performance
    • CPU utilization
    • memory utilization
    • page file utilization
    • swap file utilization
    • buffered I/O count
    • direct I/O count
    • processes in COM or COMO state
    • total number of processes
    • non-paged pool expansions
    • system page faults
    • resource hash table utilization
    • LAN device utilization
    • looping processes
    • active CPUs
    • processes in special states
    • disk I/O
    • process quota utilization
  • Security
    • logins, logouts, and login failures
    • changes to the user authorization, rights list, and network proxy files
    • access to protected objects such as files, devices, global sections, queues, and so on
    • changes to the security attributes of protected objects


Documents and manuals related to this product


Useful files related to the product, such as tools or additional materials.

Get a license

Most non-Open Source products require a valid license to operate. If you need to get a license for a product or OpenVMS itself, please look at the page describing the possible options.

Migrate to x86

OpenVMS is now available for x86/64 architecture, offering a reliable and up-to-date option to run your software in the future.
We are ready to give you all the information needed to evaluate the migration project, move your solutions to x86, and start using them in a working environment.